Thursday, May 20, 2010


When embracing change which is inevitable, it helps to revamp your look and lifestyle. Life experiences alter your point of view, expand your desires and rearrange your priorities. This life long process can be more enjoyable if we allow our outer self to reflect the transformation within.

Change your hairstyle: cut, color, straighten or curl it. Update your nail polish or change your nail shape. Choose to wear your clothes differently, wear more brights, mix patterns, commit to dressing smart no matter where you are going or what you plan to do. Try a new exercise routine or indulge in a new diet. The choice and level of change is up to you and where you are in your life.

Your outer appearance makes you relate to people and events differently. Think about how your style of dress has changed throughout phases of your life. Think about how you conduct yourself and the response you receive from others when you are dressed in a suit as opposed to jeans and tennis shoes. Why not translate your mental and emotional growth through your appearance?

Flaunt your expansion. Empower yourself and inspire others.


Eye on The Prize

Hello World!  I have been asked from time to time how I am able to stay so upbeat and positive during challenging times. Of co...